
为响应国家“三品”战略,以“推介优秀产品,营造创新氛围,塑造世界品牌”为宗旨, 于2022年初启动“中国家具年度优品”推广项目,通过海内外广泛渠道,推出我国家具行业在当前转型升级过程中涌现的一批优秀产品,加强中国品牌符号在国际市场上的鲜明度。

Under the national industrial strategy, the China National Furniture Association initiated a promotion event named “2021 Excellent China Furniture Products” this FebruaryThrough our multiple media channels both at home and abroad, the China National Furniture Association displays some selected furniture products that are designed and made during the industrial transformation and upgrading process. We hereby encourage innovation competitiveness in the industry and highlight Chinese brands' images on the global market.


Our WeChat page will update the “Excellent China Furniture Products” series in the following weeks. All these products have been launched to the market before the end of 2021. Subscribe and follow us!

Beijing Yuanhengli Hardwood Furniture Co., Ltd.

副理事长单位、2021年中国家具行业领军企业。一家集开发、设计生产、销售、服务于一体,专业生产明清古典硬木家具的综合型企业。公司以“做中华品牌 创世界品牌”为目标,以“承民族文化,琢艺术精品”为己任,秉承“诚信、务实、创新、卓越”的经营理念,凭着出色的制作工艺、过硬的产品和良好的知名度、美誉度,已成为中国红木家具行业最具影响力的企业之一。
The company does such comprehensive business as R&D, design & production, sales and service of Chinese hardwood furniture in the style of Ming and Qing dynasties. With the goal of “Being a brand known both at home and overseas” and the social responsibility of “crafting artistic furniture with traditional culture”, the company has become one of the most influential leaders in China’s rosewood furniture industry. It follows the business principle of integrity, practicality, innovation and excellence and earns reputation through their outstanding and good-quality products.


This sofa is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China. It expresses best wishes for the country's prosperity and peace. Made of red sanders and crafted with complex techniques, the sofa displays a full picture of mountains and rivers, bringing the sense of nature to users. The poetic comment -- “Mountain and river show up in front of you, but when near you hear no sound of waters” -- vividly describes how viewers will feel when appreciating this piece of art. Its style is in concord with modern living room but also accentuates the elegance of the interior atmosphere.

官方微信将定期推出“中国家具年度优品”,并在协会主办的《中国家具年鉴》、《通讯》、官方网站、宣传册等渠道,面向国内政府机关、各行业组织、科研院所、设计机构,以及全球近50个国家和地区的国家级行业组织、驻华使领馆、驻华机构、国际组织、国际展会等进行宣传。如有相关合作意向,欢迎联系 经济(国际)合作部010-87766821。

Apart from Wechat, the “Excellent China Furniture Products” are compiled on the China Furniture YearbookCommunication journal, website, and overseas brochures. The promotion covers domestic governmental minitries and agencies, industrial organizations, educational institutions, design studios, and more than 50 countries or regions' national industrial organizations, embassies and consulates, foreign official agencies in China,  international organizations and exhibitions. Welcome to contact the CNFA International Department by +86 10 87766821 for any cooperation needs.
