
为响应国家“三品”战略,以“推介优秀产品,营造创新氛围,塑造世界品牌”为宗旨, 于2022年初启动“中国家具年度优品”推广项目,通过海内外广泛渠道,推出我国家具行业在当前转型升级过程中涌现的一批优秀产品,加强中国品牌符号在国际市场上的鲜明度。

Under the national industrial strategy, the China National Furniture Association initiated a promotion event named “2021 Excellent China Furniture Products” this February. Through our multiple media channels both at home and abroad, the China National Furniture Association displays some selected furniture products that are designed and made during the industrial transformation and upgrading process. We hereby encourage innovation competitiveness in the industry and highlight Chinese brands' images on the global market.


Our WeChat page will update the “Excellent China Furniture Products” series in the following weeks. All these products have been launched to the market before the end of 2021. Subscribe and follow us!

Guangzhou Panyu Yonghua Rosewood Furniture Co., Ltd.

Founded in 1986 at Panyu, Guangzhou city, the company has been focusing on high-end rosewood industry and Lingnan culture and arts. Yonghua is the first China Famous Brand in China’s rosewood furniture industry. Mr Chen Daqiang, the President of Yonghua is recognized as “Great National Craftsman” by the China National Light Industry Council and the Guangzhou City Intangible Culture Inheritor of “Guang-Style Hardwood Furniture”. He also participates in the drafting work of national standards, for example, “Terms and Definitions of Chinese Traditional Furniture”.

永华家具始终“坚持一流标准”,不断创新工艺,精心打造约1.5万平米的永华艺术馆,展陈顶级红木家具藏品逾5000件,创新性地在业界首次打造了127米的“观光工艺走廊”,打造集广作工艺、岭南文化、工匠精神为一体的城市新型文化空间地标,被评为国家AAA级景区。以永华为龙头企业的石碁红木小镇,被 授予唯一的“广作家具特色红木小镇”称号。
Yonghua always abides by “first-class standards” and keeps innovating crafting techniques. It has built a Yonghua Art Museum of 15,000 square meters which exhibits more than 5,000 top-class rosewood furniture. A 127-meter long “Craftsmanship Corridor for Sightseeing” at the museum has become a new kind of municipal culture space. Guang-Style techniques, Lingnan culture and craftsmanship are well displayed in the corridor. Yonghua Art Museum has been recognized as a “National AAA Scenic Area”. The Shiqi rosewood town whose furniture industry is led by Yonghua is named as “Guang-Style Rosewood Furniture Town” by the China National Furniture Association.

Excellent Product of the Year -- Six-Edge Incense Table

Its original design was from a piece of furniture made in late Ming dynasty (1550-1600), and the ancient furniture was recorded in the book Hundreds of Pictures of the Wood Craftwork Collected By Hong which was edited by Hong Jiansheng and HongWang Jiaqi.

This Six-Edge Incense Table is crafted in a similar but simplified shape. The upper and lower parts are of unified style while they share different view attention. The upper part is lighter and freer by the mirroring effect of the lower part. The carved “卍” on the waist board is one of Chinese traditional auspicious patterns. The “卍” symbol is an ancient spell to serve as protection or for religious use. It is regarded as the symbol of sun or fire. In Sanskrit, “卍” means “the gathering of good luck”. Buddhism thinks it the auspicious mark on Gautama Buddha’s chest that foresees felicity and longevity. The pattern on the table that connects numerous “卍” symbols by lengthening its four sides is to express a good wish for continuous happiness and luck.

官方微信将定期推出“中国家具年度优品”,并在协会主办的《中国家具年鉴》、《通讯》、官方网站、宣传册等渠道,面向国内政府机关、各行业组织、科研院所、设计机构,以及全球近50个国家和地区的国家级行业组织、驻华使领馆、驻华机构、国际组织、国际展会等进行宣传。如有相关合作意向,欢迎联系 经济(国际)合作部010-87766821。

Apart from Wechat, the “Excellent China Furniture Products” are compiled on the China Furniture Yearbook, Communication journal, website, and overseas brochures. The promotion covers domestic governmental minitries and agencies, industrial organizations, educational institutions, design studios, and more than 50 countries or regions' national industrial organizations, embassies and consulates, foreign official agencies in China,  international organizations and exhibitions. Welcome to contact the CNFA International Department by +86 10 87766821 for any cooperation needs.
